Climate and Health Air Monitoring Project
Mobilizing Health Care Facilities for Air Pollution Monitoring and Communicators of Air for better Health

Climate, Health & Air Monitoring Project
Communicating, Engaging & Empowering Communities & Health Professional for Clean Air & Better Health

Brabhukumr, A., Malhi, P., Ravindra, K. and Lakshmi, P.V.M., 2020. Exposure to household air pollution during first 3 years of life and IQ level among 6–8-year-old children in India–A cross-sectional study. Science of The Total Environment, 709, p.135110.
Ravindra, K., Agarwal, N. and Mor, S., 2020. Assessment of thermal comfort parameters in various car models and mitigation strategies for extreme heat-health risks in the tropical climate. Journal of Environmental Management, 267, p.110655.
Ravindra, K., Singh, T., Pandey, V. and Mor, S., 2020. Air pollution trend in Chandigarh city situated in Indo-Gangetic Plains: Understanding seasonality and impact of mitigation strategies. Science of The Total Environment, p.138717.
Kaur-Sidhu, M., Ravindra, K., Mor, S. and John, S., 2020. Emission factors and global warming potential of various solid biomass fuel-cook stove combinations. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 11(2), pp.252-260.
Ravindra, K., Dirtu, A.C., Mor, S., Wauters, E. and Van Grieken, R., 2020. Source apportionment and seasonal variation in particulate PAHs levels at a coastal site in Belgium. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, pp.1-11.
Sharma, D., Ravindra, K., Kaur, M., Prinja, S. and Mor, S., 2020. Cost evaluation of different household fuels and identification of the barriers for the choice of clean cooking fuels in India. Sustainable Cities and Society, 52, p.101825.
Singh, V., Biswal, A., Kesarkar, A.P., Mor, S. and Ravindra, K., 2020. High resolution vehicular PM10 emissions over megacity Delhi: Relative contributions of exhaust and non-exhaust sources. Science of The Total Environment, 699, p.134273.
Ravindra, K., Kaur-Sidhu, M. and Mor, S., 2020. Air Pollution in Rural Households Due to Solid Biomass Fuel Use and Its Health Impacts. In Indoor Environmental Quality (pp. 27-33). Springer, Singapore.
Ravindra, K., 2019. Emission of black carbon from rural households kitchens and assessment of lifetime excess cancer risk in villages of North India. Environment international, 122, pp.201-212.
Ravindra, K., Singh, T. and Mor, S., 2019. Emissions of air pollutants from primary crop residue burning in India and their mitigation strategies for cleaner emissions. Journal of cleaner production, 208, pp.261-273.
Ravindra, K., Agarwal, N., Kaur-Sidhu, M. and Mor, S., 2019. Appraisal of thermal comfort in rural household kitchens of Punjab, India and adaptation strategies for better health. Environment international, 124, pp.431-440.
Ravindra, K., Mor, S., Singh, A., Singh, V.J., Dhanda, N., Rani, P. and Mor, S., 2019. Hydro-chemistry of groundwater in a North Indian city and its suitability assessment for drinking and irrigation purposes. Journal of Environmental Biology, 40(2), pp.200-210.
Ravindra, K., Kaur-Sidhu, M., Mor, S. and John, S., 2019. Trend in household energy consumption pattern in India: a case study on the influence of socio-cultural factors for the choice of clean fuel use. Journal of cleaner production, 213, pp.1024-1034.
Ravindra, K. and Mor, S., 2019. E-waste generation and management practices in Chandigarh, India and economic evaluation for sustainable recycling. Journal of cleaner production, 221, pp.286-294.
Ravindra, K. and Mor, S., 2019. Distribution and health risk assessment of arsenic and selected heavy metals in Groundwater of Chandigarh, India. Environmental pollution, 250, pp.820-830.
Ravindra, K., Mor, S. and Pinnaka, V.L., 2019. Water uses, treatment, and sanitation practices in rural areas of Chandigarh and its relation with waterborne diseases. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(19), pp.19512-19522.
Sharma, K., Ravindra, K., Mor, S., Kaur-Sidhu, M. and Sehgal, R., 2019. Detection and identification of dust mite allergens in the air conditioning filters in Chandigarh, India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(23), pp.24262-24271.
Mor, S., Negi, P. and Ravindra, K., 2019. Potential of agro-waste sugarcane bagasse ash for the removal of ammoniacal nitrogen from landfill leachate. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(24), pp.24516-24531.
Ravindra, K., Sarwa, A., Bhatnagar, N., Kaur, R. and Mor, S., 2019. Public perception about community reverse osmosis-treated water, its acceptability, and barriers in choice of safe drinking water. Environment, Development and Sustainability, pp.1-13.
Devi, A., Ravindra, K., Kaur, M. and Kumar, R., 2019. Evaluation of biomedical waste management practices in public and private sector of health care facilities in India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(25), pp.26082-26089.
Kaur-Sidhu, M., Ravindra, K., Mor, S., John, S. and Aggarwal, A.N., 2019. Respiratory health status of rural women exposed to liquefied petroleum gas and solid biomass fuel emissions. Air, Soil and Water Research, 12, p.1178622119874314.
Ravindra, K., Rattan, P., Mor, S. and Aggarwal, A.N., 2019. Generalized additive models: Building evidence of air pollution, climate change and human health. Environment international, 132, p.104987.
Ravindra, K., Singh, T., Mor, S., Singh, V., Mandal, T.K., Bhatti, M.S., Gahlawat, S.K., Dhankhar, R., Mor, S. and Beig, G., 2019. Real-time monitoring of air pollutants in seven cities of North India during crop residue burning and their relationship with meteorology and transboundary movement of air. Science of the total environment, 690, pp.717-729.
Ravindra, K., Thind, P.S., Mor, S., Singh, T. and Mor, S., 2019. Evaluation of groundwater contamination in Chandigarh: Source identification and health risk assessment. Environmental Pollution, 255, p.113062.
Bhargava, N., Gurjar, B.R., Mor, S. and Ravindra, K., 2018. Assessment of GHG mitigation and CDM technology in urban transport sector of Chandigarh, India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(1), pp.363-374.
Singh, V., Ravindra, K., Sahu, L. and Sokhi, R., 2018. Trends of atmospheric black carbon concentration over the United Kingdom. Atmospheric environment, 178, pp.148-157.
Ravindra, K. and Smith, K.R., 2018. Better kitchens and toilets: both needed for better health. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(13), pp.12299-12302.
Ravindra, K. and Mor, S., 2018. Rapid monitoring and evaluation of a community-led total sanitation program using smartphones. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(32), pp.31929-31934.
Lal, B., Ravindra, K. and Biswal, M., 2018. Appraisal of microbial contamination of dental unit water systems and practices of general dental practitioners for risk reduction. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(33), pp.33566-33572.
Mor, S., Negi, P. and Khaiwal, R., 2018. Assessment of groundwater pollution by landfills in India using leachate pollution index and estimation of error. Environmental nanotechnology, monitoring & management, 10, pp.467-476.
Negi, P., Mor, S. and Ravindra, K., 2018. Impact of landfill leachate on the groundwater quality in three cities of North India and health risk assessment. Environment, Development and Sustainability, pp.1-20.
Plaka, K., Ravindra, K., Mor, S., & Gauba, K., 2017. Risk Factors and Prevalence of Dental Fluorosis and Dental Caries in School Children of North India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189(1), 40.
Mor, S., Manchanda, C.K., Kansal, S.K., & Ravindra, K., 2017. Nanosilica Extraction from Processed Agricultural Residue using Green Technology. Journal of Cleaner Production, 143, 1284-1290.
Sidhu, M.K., Ravindra, K., Mor, S., & John, S., 2017. Household Air Pollution from Various Types of Rural Kitchens and its Exposure Assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 586, 419-429.
Mor, S., Chhoden, K., Negi, P., & Ravindra, K., 2017. Utilization of Nano-Alumina and Activated Charcoal for Phosphate Removal from Wastewater. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, 7, 15-23.
Mor, S., Chhavi, M.K., Sushil, K.K., & Ravindra, K., 2017. Assessment of Hydrothermally Modified Fly Ash for the Treatment of Methylene Blue Dye in the Textile Industry Wastewater. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-15.
Manchanda, C.K., Khaiwal, R. and Mor, S., 2017. Application of sol–gel technique for preparation of nanosilica from coal powered thermal power plant fly ash. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 83(3), pp.574-581.
Ravindra K., Tackling India’s Air Pollution: The Toxic Threat that Goes Beyond the Borders of Megacities, Policy Forum,
Devi, P., Bajala, V., Garg, V.K., Mor, S., & Ravindra, K., 2016. Heavy Metal Content in Various Types of Candies and their Daily Dietary Intake by Children. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188(2), 86.
Lawrence, S., Sokhi, R., & Ravindra, K., 2016. Quantification Of Vehicle Fleet PM 10 Particulate Matter Emission Factors from Exhaust and Non-Exhaust Sources Using Tunnel Measurement Techniques. Environmental Pollution, 210, 419-428.
Kaur, K., Mor, S., & Ravindra, K., 2016. Removal of Chemical Oxygen Demand from Landfill Leachate using Cow-Dung Ash as a Low-Cost Adsorbent. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 469, 338-343.
Mor, S., Kaur, K., & Ravindra, K., 2016. SWOT Analysis of Waste Management Practices in Chandigarh, India and Prospects for Sustainable Cities. Journal of Environmental Biology, 37(3), 327.
Mor, S., Chhoden, K., & Ravindra, K., 2016. Application of Agro-Waste Rice Husk Ash for the Removal of Phosphate from the Wastewater. Journal of Cleaner Production, 129, 673-680.
Ravindra, K., Kaur, K., & Mor, S., 2016. Occupational Exposure to the Municipal Solid Waste Workers in Chandigarh, India. Waste Management & Research, 0734242X16665913.
Ravindra, K., Tripathy, J.P., & Tripathy, N.K., 2016. Dynamics of Multi-Stakeholder Engagement and its Role in Achieving High Compliance of a Tobacco Control Programme. World Development Perspectives, 3, 7-11.
Ravindra, K., Singh, T., Tripathy, J.P., Mor, S., Munjal, S., Patro, B., & Panda, N., 2016. Assessment of Noise Pollution in and Around a Sensitive Zone in North India and its Non-Auditory Impacts. Science of the Total Environment, 566, 981-987.
Gurjar, B.R., Ravindra, K., & Nagpure, A. S., 2016. Air Pollution Trends Over Indian Megacities and their Local-To-Global Implications. Atmospheric Environment, 142, 475-495.
Ravindra, K., Kaur K., Mor S., 2015. System Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Chandigarh and Minimization Practices for Cleaner Emissions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 89, 251-256.
Kaur K., Mor S., Ravindra, K., 2015. A Glance at the World-Waste Management Policies in India: Can We Address the Implementation Challenges? Waste Management, 37, 2015.
Ravindra, K., Sidhu, M.K., Mor, S., John, S., & Pyne, S., 2015. Air Pollution in India: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Policy. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 20(4), A4015003.